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The deburring machine adopts the method of oil injection and slag removal


The deburring machine adopts the method of oil injection and slag removal

In the process of deburring machine, the method of using oil injection to remove slag is to spray the processing fluid from the workpiece through an oil injection station, or spray it through the electrode.

In one case, the workpiece has been pre-drilled and installed on a fuel injection station, and then connected to the slag removal equipment. In the second case, a hole is drilled in the middle of the electrode, and the machining fluid is directly input through the electrode chuck.


This slagging method is often used to process extrusion dies that require a slight taper gap. Of course, the extrusion dies must be processed in the opposite direction to obtain a proper taper. When the graphite electrode is used for deep through hole processing, its slag removal effect is extremely good. The components processed by the jet slagging method are slightly tapered, even if the electrodes are processed with a constant surface shape. This is the tapering effect caused by the discharged particles being pressed to both sides of the electrode, resulting in side discharge. Use the newly developed technology to add high-pressure zone liquid into the electrode. The porosity of graphite allows enough processing fluid to pass through the electrode to discharge the slag into the gap.

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